Passport Events... Let's Go Have Fun!One of the reasons we added this section on passport events is because
they are and awesome way to experience and get to know wine. Additionally,
very few people actually know about them! My wife and I have been
going to Passport weekend s for a little over ten years now, and I can
honestly say that they have been the single best source of wine education
we have had the pleasure of having.

The Scoop:
What exactly is a wine passport event (I am sure you are now asking)?
Well, simply put, it is a way that a wine region can attract a large
number of people in any one single weekend. This is how they work.
A decent size region will have approximately 20 to 40 wineries that
will participate. Attendees will sign up for the event, usually
several weeks in advance, and will receive their tickets in the mail
(or print online). It is important to sign up early, as many events
will sell out. The cost of these events range from $50. to $130. for
the entire weekend (still a great deal when you consider how much wine
and food you get). There are also special deals for ‘Sunday
only’ as well as deals for the designated driver (designated drivers
can eat the food, but are not allowed to drink). The event will
usually last Friday, Saturday and Sunday, with Friday being a half day.
Attendees are assigned a starting winery, wherein they pick up their
passport (a small passport looking booklet with the participating wineries),
a wrist band and an etched wine glass to use for the weekend (usually
with the event name, date and some sort of artwork). From that
point forward, throughout the weekend, the wristband and the wineglass
serve as identification that you are a paid participant. After
checking in at their first designated winery, participants can then
proceed to any winery that is participating in the event (you usually
also get a map of the participating wineries as well as what type of
wine, and food they are serving). In turn, the wineries then offer
an unlimited amount of tastings throughout the weekend. There is also
very little, if any, pressure to purchase anything.
Awesome Food:
Often, the wineries will also serve food that will complement the wine
that they are serving! Many of the events will also have a theme.
Some may be barrel events (serving both bottled and barrel tastings)
wherein they sample futures straight out of the barrel. Some are oriented
around the time of year, such as a harvest event. We even attend
an event each year that is called the cookbook event. We get a
hardback cookbook with recipes of dishes that the wineries are serving.
Then, throughout the event, we follow the cookbook as we move from winery
to winery.
Here is some advice when planning your passport weekend: Get your
tickets early, reserve a bed and breakfast for either you and your significant
other, or two or three couples. Accommodations will book up early, so
plan ahead to set yourself up for an awesome weekend. The end
result will be that, after a while, you will get to experience a wide
range of wines, with regularity, and will begin to understand the distinction
between the blends and varietals.
Finding The Events:
This is the easy part. Simply look online under words such as 'Passport
wine event' or 'Wine Weekend' with a specific region that you are wanting
to explore. Keep in mind that a 'region' might be someplace as small
as a specific valley. We live in Northern California. There are around
20 regions within a 100 mile radius of Napa alone! After a while, you
will not only begin to recognize the type of wine that you like best,
but region as well. The same varietal of wine will taste very different
from region to region. Cheers!